Viewing: Guide to Organized Play

Reorganized Play: The Season 3 Starfinder Society Guide

Your loyal venture-officers and organizers have fallen a bit behind the announcements for a number of reasons. This is the fifth post in a series that should help you get up to speed on the Organized Play updates! As of last month, we got a new Starfinder Season 3 guide! What’s different? Table Sizes As […] Read more

Reorganized Play: Digitizing the Programs

Your loyal venture-officers and organizers have fallen a bit behind the announcements for a number of reasons. This is the fourth post in a series that should help you get up to speed on the Organized Play updates! As we’ve migrated online in 2020, we’ve found a whole host of issues with playing online that […] Read more

New Guide and Faction Journal Cards released for Season 10!

The Season 10 guide and Faction Journal cards are out! Pasted below is the list of changes to this version of the Guide, as posted by Chris Lambertz: Updated for Season of the Ten! Changes in this version as provided by the Organized Team are below. Overarching: Cleaned up language surrounding the word “Adventure.” Replaced […] Read more

Updates to the Guide to Organized Play

Linda Zayas-Palmer has been hard at work and we have a new point-release of the Guide to Organized Play! She’s posted a changelog as a comment on the Concordance blog post. Many of the changes are self-explanatory, but we’ll add some detail below. Page 11: We added some clarification on Pregens and APL. The change […] Read more