Announcing Organized Play at SIBCON 2019

Hey ‘finders,

It’s that time of year again: we’re getting ready for this year’s SIBCON convention! The Warhorn signups are live and you can go pick your tables!

We’ve got the relevant details on a more permanent SIBCON page, but there’s a few things I’d like to emphasize this year.

First: we really, really need your help, GMs! We’re probably going to need between 34 and 40 tables covered this year–that’s between eleven and thirteen GMs running three slots each! Three slots gets you free admission, which is pretty good–and while we don’t want to encourage burnout, there are some additional COSBUCKs awarded if you do some volunteer overtime.

Second, if you can’t GM, we’re also opening up the Headquarters (HQ) table to volunteers. This is a good choice for someone who wants to help out but doesn’t want to GM–or can’t justify adding another table to your GMing load. This is a primarily people-facing role and we’re handling signups by slot. If you’re willing to sit out of gaming for a slot, you’ll be helping us immensely, and you’ll also get some GM rewards. (It’s also a nice way to take a breather during a convention. There’s some work involved, but it’s usually low-stress.)

If you’re here to play, you’ll notice that we’ve got every Pathfinder Society 2 scenario that will be in existence scheduled. There will only be a few released at that point, so you probably won’t be able to play Pathfinder 2 straight through the convention, but you should try to drop in on at least one game. (And if you’re curious–yes, we’ll have more information about our local approach to Pathfinder 2 soon.)

We’re also expanding our Starfinder Society offerings a bit as the community grows. If you want to see more Starfinder, fill those tables! We’ve got some scenarios I’m pretty excited about, including an offering penned by our very own Vanessa Hoskins.

And last, but not least, we’re scheduling a going away celebration of Pathfinder 1! Not only will we be running #10-98, Siege of Gallowspire, we’ve got a number of story arcs scheduled:

  • Round Mountain Trilogy
    • Rats of Round Mountain, Part 1
    • Rats of Round Mountain, Part 2
    • Countdown to Round Mountain (new!)
  • Gloomspires Quartet
    • Hall of the Flesh Eaters
    • Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts
    • Hrethnar’s Throne
    • On Sevenfinger’s Sails (new!)
  • The Whispering Tyrant Returns
    • Corpses in Kalsgard (new!)
    • The Shattered Shield
    • Siege of Gallowspire (new!)
  • The Penumbral Accords
    • The Penumbral Accords
    • The Daughters’ Due

We hope to see you all there!

In Category: Announcements, Conventions, Pathfinder 1st Edition, Pathfinder 2nd Edition, Sibcon, Starfinder


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