September 20-22 in Butler, Pennsylvania

SIBCON is a three-day convention run by the Circle of Swords Gaming Guild, and is one of our two highest-attendance conventions of the year. It usually features a multi-table special on the Saturday of the convention, and this year we’ll be running PFS1 #10-98 Siege of Gallowspire on Saturday afternoon!

GM Rewards

Each GM must sign up to run a minimum of one table to receive a GM boon. GM boons have traditionally unlocked races, although we typically don’t know in advance what these boons will be. In order to earn a Starfinder GM boon, you need to run at least one table of Starfinder; traditionally, in order to earn a Pathfinder boon, you need to run at least one table of Pathfinder.

In past years, you could only earn one GM boon; if that’s the case this year, we will get in touch with GMs running a mix of tables ahead of time to determine what boon you would prefer to receive.

With the launch of Pathfinder 2 (and Pathfinder Society 2), we’re not sure what the boon situation is going to look like for Pathfinder GMs. As we know more information we’ll update you.

The Circle of Swords organization provides free admission for GMs who run three tables (of any system, not just Pathfinder or Starfinder). If you GM one or two tables, they provide you with credit usable with the vendors.


For SIBCON 2019, we need your help! We’re experimenting with having a dedicated volunteer at the Headquarters (HQ) table every slot. The responsibilities are pretty simple, but someone needs to do them, and that could be you! You would get GM-equivalent rewards for doing helping out.

Please email Alex if you want to help!


Important Dates

  • 2019/07/01 Earliest expected date the SIBCON 2018 Warhorn goes live
  • 2019/07/08 SIBCON 2019 Warhorn live; GM and Player Online Registration is open
  • 2019/08/02 First deadline for GM event support (scenarios provided to GMs)
  • 2019/09/06 Online registration closes; early registration discount ends
  • 2019/09/20 SIBCON 2019!
