Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society for August 2018

August has been keeping us busy with convention planning–and not all of it is for Gencon, either. SIBCON is coming up this September! Tables are starting to fill–sign up to play today!

This month brings with it some new scenarios, including the first scenario of Season 10, as well as some old favorites. The biggest news, however, is that we’re going to be running our region’s first GM seminar, GM 101, at Victory Pointe!

As our region grows, we’re going to need more GMs to help make tables happen. Being a GM isn’t as easy as being a player, but it can be a lot more rewarding. If you’d like to step up and help out, we strongly recommend signing up for GM 101! It is recommended for both GMs that haven’t taken GM 101 before, and also for interested players who haven’t taken a turn “behind the screen” yet. It covers running a game in general as well as situations specific to Pathfinder Society. We’ll be getting in touch with GM 101 attendees shortly before the event with more information.

See you in Golarion!
(and in space!)

Sign up to play on Warhorn!

August Lineup of Games

GASP Game Day: Saturday, August 11th

Phantom in the Attic (Greentree): Saturday, August 18th

Victory Pointe Games: Sunday, August 26th

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