SIBCON registration is open. Sign up for games today!

Registration for SIBCON 23 is open! We’ve got our games live and once you’re approved, you’ll be able to sign up to play and GM a wide selection of Pathfinder and Starfinder adventures. The special for this year’s SIBCON is Version C of #8-99 The Solstice Scar. You should go sign up now, before the games you want to play (or GM) are filled!

You may notice that we’re keeping some of the changes from recent conventions. The special will continue to be in the afternoon on Saturday, and we’ve extended that slot by half an hour in either direction. We’re also continuing to run a table of Starfinder in every slot.

But while some things stay the same, some things will be different. This year we’re including a table of the Pathfinder 2 playtest in many of our slots! We’re also going to be testing out an “HQ” or headquarters–someone to help walk-ups find tables, to manage the raffles and prizes, and to cover overflow as needed. Quinn and Alex will be taking turns covering the HQ table this year.

We do ask that if you plan on signing up to GM the special or the playtest, you sign up earlier rather than later so we can complete our event support requests and get plans in order.

We hope to see you there!

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