Latest Pittsburgh PFS News

FAQ Friday: new klarifications

From the Pathfinder Design Team this Friday: Klars: A traditional klar “counts as a light wooden shield with shield spikes”,…

FAQ Friday: New Pathfinder FAQ on positive and negative energy

From this thread: Positive and Negative Energy: These two terms show up in a variety of abilities, but they have…

New scenario added to this weekend’s GASP schedule

VictoryCon 2016 is in the books! We hope everyone who joined us had a good time, and now it's time to…

Barbarian: Invulnerable Rager Errata

From the FAQ Friday of June 17th 2016: (more…)

The VictoryCon Registration Deadline approaches! Register before 5 PM ET this Wednesday!

Registration for VictoryCon closes at 5PM on Wednesday the 22nd. Make sure to register, and if you have any changes…

What do faction pins do? Faction pins in PFS

Originally from June 13th's Pathfinder Society blog post. Updated with May 27th's forum post. Once per session, while wearing a faction pin…

Welcome to the new Pittsburgh Pathfinder Society website

This is a placeholder until we get some more content. In fact, this entire site may be a bit of…