Watch out: Paizo is updating their website

Things are pretty broken in a lot of very creative ways right now, even though in the long term this should help improve the sustainability of paizo.com.

Although the big portion of the rework (this rework, anyway) has been completed, the team is expected to continue making bugfixes and improvements this week. (And, we assume into next week and perhaps beyond.)

March 1st, 2018 Update: Effects on Other Websites

It looks as though Paizo has moved their blog. This, unfortunately, breaks every link anyone has ever made to a blog post. (Which is unfortunate, because Paizo blog posts are really hard to find. They do not do findability well.)

If you’re up for a bit of URL rewriting the fix is pretty simple. Replace paizo.com/paizo/blog with paizo.com/community/blog . We’ve just finished running and testing a bulk update of our blog URLs and everything seems to have updated properly. If you spot a broken link, please let us know!

March 1st, 2018 Update the Second: Redirects Added

Just as soon as we got done updating our links, Chris Lambertz got done adding a redirect to get all of your old blog links working again. If only that had happened an hour earlier… but we’ll take it!

Tags: paizo.com
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